Reasons to be Cheerful Week 1 #R2BC

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart
Happy New Year! There has got to be date when you don't say that to anyone anymore, do you know when that is??

I love this meme, I have no idea why I fell by the wayside in December, but here I am back, all shiny and new. And that is how I feel about this time of year. I used to find the New Year, the celebration itself very depressing. I felt there was a lot of pressure to have a good time, meet with friends and celebrate the start of the new year. But as soon as I realised, I was the one putting the pressure onto myself, the holidays became mine again. Something to enjoy and savour my way. So I spent it with MrC, quietly at home but looking forward, in both senses of the word, to the new year.

So onto my reasons this week!

I'm back onto the healthy eating plan this week (another thing which fell my the wayside) Weighed in today and have lost a brilliant 9.5 lbs!!! So pleased with myself. I know next week it will be a more modest loss, but what a great way to start back??

My kids are great at the moment. Spent time with Amy over Christmas, I'm pleased to see how happy she is and how she's coping with everything London life is throwing at her. James is knuckling down and working for his exams. He's playing hard too! But hey, you are only young once.

Am crocheting more and enjoying the results! Not only do I (hopefully) get a lovely scarf or hat at the end of it, it stops me eating! You can't crochet and eat at the same time, FACT! I'm not one to follow a pattern, find them hard to understand, but with perseverance, I am getting there. Here is my latest project, a ruffle scarf. We won't mention it looks a bit like a High Court Judge's wig!!!

I'm back at the gym, following the gammy foot episode and have decided to train for the 26 mile St Luke's Hospice Midnight Walk. I've managed the 13 miles a couple of times now, but decided the extra challenge (26 miles!! Am I mad???!) will spur me on and help with the losing weight

Don't forget to get yourself over to Michelle at Mummy from the Heart to read the other R2BC

All in all, I am a very happy bunny, long may it continue. But then if I have anything to do with it, it will. I am choosing my attitude and today's is happy and optimistic

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