Reasons to be Cheerful Week 3 #R2BC

Better late than never as I always say! It's that time of the week (well 3 days late!) to look back and record the great things which have happened. Don't forget to check back at Michelle's site, Mummy from the Heart to see other people's reasons.

Without further ado......

Work is extremely busy (one reason for the late post) because I was out of the office for three days on a course. However I am now a proud owner of a first aid at work certificate. This isn't the certificate, that will be coming in the post and I've managed to lose the badge already (!!!?) but hey ho.

I also only managed to kill the instructor twice (I didn't know you should not lay people flat who were having heart attacks or strokes!! But I do now!) 

Is it wrong I am almost waiting for someone to ill so I can practise??

I have also managed to lose another pound in weight, which takes the total this year to 13. Another 2 and I will have lost my Christmas weight, which means I only (only....!?) have 3 stones to lose this year to reach my target. But more of that I'm sure as the year progresses.

I've also taken delivery of this!

My coccyx cushion! So my #brokenbum is a lot more comfortable at work! 

And talking about work, my last reason to be cheerful was following an email exchange, from a manager who I have never met, saying he enjoyed reading my blog. What more could a girl ask for! I'm famous! Or is that infamous.......

Anyway, don't forget to check out Michelle's Reasons to be Cheerful and why not join in too! I promise, it will make you feel better as there is always something which has lightened the week, no matter how dark it feels

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