I DID IT!!!!

7 Mile walk completed, it's just me which feels a little broken! The base of my feet are swollen and sore, I'd say 8/10 on the pain scale and I look like I've pooped my pants hobbling along (attractive)

I only bloody did it

Favourite images from the evening?

  • Seeing hundreds of woman on the 13 mile route streaming along as we drove to the start and know we 7-milers would look like that very soon
  • Noticing all the squashed slugs on the pavements! There were a lot of woman marching along in the dark, trying to eat up the miles by looking forward, not down
  • A couple, possibly mother and daughter tied at the ankle, walking it 3 legged. That is amazing!
  • Your tweets of encouragement along the route, so thank you.
  • A group dressed as bumble bees and another as cows!
  • Someone using a wheelchair
  • The finish line! 

And at the time of writing this post we've raised £247. Thank you for your generosity. The page is still open, help me reach target by clicking and donating - http://www.justgiving.com/Fay-7-Miles

I won't lie. It hurt, a lot. I was emotional before I even began. I sat, overlooking the football ground trying to prepare myself mentally. I had to complete, for St Luke's, for everyone who had taken the time and hard earned cash to sponsor, but also for me. To prove to myself, with hard work, determination and a lot of bloody mindedness, I can do anything, no matter what.

It's what I need at the moment

Was it worth it?

Hell Yeah!

1 comment:

  1. Wel done faye.....i did 13 last night and bloody hell can hardly walk today...i have sone it once before..u would rjinl i would have learnt xxx cant belivee u did it aftrt so much surgery......well done again
