Wednesday 6th of July

Big fail :(

Today has beaten me! No exercise for me. Feel a bit flat about it to be honest. 

I'm trying hard to train for my big walk, but am struggling today! 

I had a very late night last night picking my daughter up from the station. She had a job interview in Scotland and nine hour train journey back. I wasn't about to let her get a taxi at midnight! 

Also, because this is my first week back at work, I have been caught by surprise at how tired and a little bit poorly I feel. Last week I was buzzing with energy, this week flat, tired and sore.

So today has become a rest day.

Will pull myself up by my bootstraps and try harder tomorrow, but will need some encouragement! 

Can you help? I need some kind words, practical advice for getting started again, plus more sponsorship to make me feel guilty! 

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