Reasons to be cheerful - Birthday week!

I missed last weeks, which I was gutted about, but sometimes life gets in the way and other things take priority. Promise I will make up for it on this post, because I've had a great week!

It's my birthday! What can I say? I love being looked after and now the kids are grown up they really do. It's great to have day where it's all about me! Don't know what my pressie is, but am looking forward to a lot of birthday cake...because I'm worth it!

I've joined a gym! It is a huge occasion for me. I said I would start at a gym when I reached a particular weight, but this week, it felt right and so I joined. No thinking about, no excuses. I wrote 'What have I done' and I meant it when I said the mind is powerful;it can stop you from doing things, but it can also encourage you.

Another post I wrote last week was 'Happy' It does what it says on the tin, I was happy when I wrote, happy with the results and still feel that way now!

Saturday I have a special event to go to, my school reunion! Some of these people I haven't seen for 25 years! I am so excited. It will be great to catch up and delve into other people's lives, see where their journey has taken them. I just hope I can put faces to names (and I am rubbish at it at the best of times let alone after a 25 year absence!)  We've got people from all over the country coming and even as far afield as Australia!

So that's my week, and roll on the next one! 

Michelle has been handing the reins over to other people to host each week, its Kate's turn from 'How to Laugh in the Face of it All' Go over and take a look!

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